Time for a new home...

You are moving, how nice! We would like to start the check-out process with you. Here are some steps, which you can find below:

You will be moving out of your current apartment...

The time has come...you are moving out! We would like to start the check-out procedure with you. In order to work toward the check-out there are a couple steps we need to take:

Schedule your pre-inspection

Please click the arrow below to schedule your pre-inspection. During this inspection you will walk through the apartment with one of our agents. He will point out possible action points that need to be taken care off before the key-handover.

Schedule your key-handover

Please click the arrow below to schedule your final key-handover. During this key-handover you will walk through the apartment with one of our agents. The check-in report create at the start of your rental period will be cross checked with the current state of the apartment.

Make your apartment ready

Make sure to fill drilled holes. Bring back the color of the wall to white in case you painted them in a color. Clean the apartment and make sure all items are removed from the apartment.

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